This website and ministry was born out of a deep desire that the Lord has given us to reach out to others in their time of need and minister to them through biblically based Christ centered contemporary music and to provide a non-judgemental environment where people with hurting hearts can come and rest and talk to others. We would also welcome the opportunity to provide you with more information on how you can have a peace in the midst of the storm and how to enjoy one of God’s great gifts to us……..worship

What is Worship?

Thanksgiving>>>Praise>>>>A choice of will.

Worship is the key that opens the door to our heart. Worship is the ultimate expression of love and servant-hood.
If you tried to hold your breath for longer than 5 minutes you would die. Worship is spiritual breathing…We were created to worship God most high…..ElElyon.
Worship is the release of the feelings we have for our God and what He has done for us…It flows from the love we have for Him… Worship is passionate, full of energy. We need to present to our God the best we have and all we can give…an offering of ourselves to Him.

Why the Dove?

The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit ministers to broken heart and gently applies the healing power of our heavenly Father to renew and revitalize our lives. But the Holy Spirit also imparts wisdom to know God’s ways, conviction when we fall into sin, love to care and share with others. The ability to glorify God by being able to give thanks in all things that come our way because the Lord is in control and we have faith in Him alone.

Why Am I So Passionate About This?

I’m ashamed to say I didn’t always feel that way….and perhaps you feel like I did. I just couldn’t see myself singing songs throughout eternity. But we were created for worship and won’t be happy or at peace until we get to the point that we bow our knees and will to the Lord of All. The Lord changed my heart and now directs my steps in a way that every breath that I take is dedicated to showing the Lord through the music He has given me how much I love to worship and adore Him! We were created to be with Him forever….God is preparing us for the day when we will be one on one with the Heavenly Father and His Blessed Son…and we are here to share the joy to others that only that relationship can provide to you and I.