Broken Hearts… they are everywhere. The death of a loved one… the pain of divorce or severed relationship… losing a job… facing a serious illness or disease… being alone… living with regret… If only… was created by the Nelligan family to share the positive and uplifting music given to us by our God and King at some of our most difficult times… .and although we don’t have the answers as to why things happen and can’t personally provide the peace that we all so desperately search for, with the greatest humility and joy we can guide you to the One who can heal the broken heart and mend the tattered life. The Answer. For we know “His Grace Is Greater Than Our Pain” click here for full statement letter.
This website and ministry was born out of a deep desire that the Lord has given us to reach out to others in their time of need and minister to them through biblically based Christ centered contemporary music and to provide a non-judgemental environment where people with hurting hearts can come and rest and talk to others. We would also welcome the opportunity to provide you with more information on how you can have a peace in the midst of the storm and how to enjoy one of God’s great gifts to us……..worship